Friday, July 1, 2011

For the Love of Patio's

I had a rough day, no I had a rough week. Month. My job is very hard right now. I have gone from installing jobs and having maybe two guys working under me to not installing at all and having fifteen guys working under me. Depending on me to solve problem's ahead of them, or right in front of them so they can keep working. My main job site takes up two and a half square blocks and requires me to walk it end to end constantly, all day everyday. So that is a reasonable amount of horizontal walking. Unfortunately for me the Mormon church goes all out when they buy a small city, we'll call it Mormoville, not to be confused with Taylorsville for those that like to have trendy email addresses. (Full disclosure: Maybe 3 people understand that last sentence.)

So Mormoville is big, and unfortunately vertical. I am in the market of expansion joints and they tend to also be vertical, so if the building is 7 stories tall well "Surprise!", hope you like stairs. By the end of the day I am pretty tired, not like dead tired physically, more like "My legs haven't stopped moving for ten hours kind of tired and they would prefer to be horizontal, oh and if you put some alcohol in the bloodstream that might help too".

Mentally I am also fried. I have never seen a job with as many problems as this job. Little things, big things, everything is screwed up. Nothing is ever right. If nothing is ever right it is rather difficult to keep your employees busy. Luckily we have to uninstall as much as we install because everything is always wrong. Mormoville is all about repetition. They can proudly proclaim that their entire Construction Building was not only built fast, but it was built three times. Kudos.

I like Kudos granola bars, who is the genius that named those? If I invent a granola bar I am going to name it "Fantastical". Mmmmm Fantastical, only served at Phil's Pub.

Ok, what in the hell am I talking about, (rereading) Mentally fried, physically tired, invented a new granola bar.

I just got home. I went straight to the fridge and got a beer. I turned around and saw Phil looking at me with the "Hey drunk, I don't know if you know this, but I don't use toilets and I have been inside this house for 8 hours. Maybe, just maybe, you should take me outside to relieve myself before you tie one one" face. I hate that face, so judgmental.

I finally get the dog urine situation resolved and move onto my things to do list.

Things to do:

1. Empty fridge of beer.

So I get started, I twist the cap off the bottle, get a little angry at the pain I experience in doing so. Side note: I have worked construction ten years, my hands=softer than your hands. I will put money on it. I don't care who you are. I will win this bet.

Beer opened. I lay back, put my feet up and take a sip. Awesome. This is good. Almost perfect. I turn to my left and look out the window. "Oh it looks nice out there." My brain starts slowly thinking about the outside. At this point in the day the brain doesn't do anything fast. It's like watching somebody type that doesn't know how to type. Kind of makes you want to scream "Use the god damn home row!!!!!"

Wait.....where am I(rereading), mentally and physically invented a granola bar while teaching type class. Giddy up.

I'm staring outside and after about 30 minutes of zero thoughts my brain finally comes up with one statement.

Brain: "It would be sweet to be drinking this beer with your feet up........outside."

Wow brain. You be workin some overtime today! (At the cost of proper grammar) I'm staring outside, wanting to be outside. Dreaming of a patio. Oh I love patios. I do not own a patio. I wish I owned a patio. If somebody would sell me just their patio, I would seriously consider it. Is there anything better? No matter what you are doing, it could always be better if you were outside, on a patio. Add a fire pit to that patio and it is like an explosion of awesomeness comparable to hot peach cobbler with vanilla ice cream.

The moral of the story is that Annie just called, she is off work and on her way to our house to pick me up. Then we are going to a patio to fulfill my dream. See ya kids later. Sorry for the wait on the latest blog.

Full disclosure: I did not proofread this at all. So sorry for that.