Monday, September 14, 2015

Day 10: Driving across Scotland.

Today is a pretty big day. We are leaving Inverness and heading a few hours to the  west side of Scotland to the Isle of Skye. Before leaving the city we went by The Battle of Culloden. Long story short, some Scots rebelled and some English really killed them. Way bad. 

The battlefield was interesting but this cow really stole the show. His hair is ridiculous and he loves Annie. 

We swung by The House of Culloden. Which was just a house but a pretty cool one.   

Then we drove west to Urquhart Castle. Nothing special here. It was right on Loch Ness but there were a lot of people. Probably better to look at from a boat. 

From there we continued our journey to Eilean Donan Castle. This one was awesome. No pictures allowed from the inside, but the outside of this place speaks for itself. 

Our journey continued west to Talisker Distillery. We didn't have time for a tour, but we did try the scotch. I have a bottle of Talisker Storm at home so I knew a little bit of what to expect. Very peaty and a bit intense. Talisker Skye was pretty good. 

We tried to eat at the Oyster Shed but they had just closed. Very disappointing. We are going to try to get there tomorrow. We did make it over to the Fairy Pools. 

The views on this island are really incredible so far.  Lots of rolling hills and green mountain sides. 

We finished the night off with dinner at Sea Breezes in the tiny town of Portree. The seafood was amazing.  Oysters, mussels, halibut, salmon. All amazing. Yes we ate all of that food. We are representatives of America.  Tomorrow we do more activities on Skye, and check that Oyster Shed out. 


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