Friday, September 11, 2015

Day 7: Tons of British in London.

Hello. I'm tired. It's been a long week. We woke up this morning in Cambridge and jumped on a 45 minute train to London.  We started off by going to the London Tower which was pretty cool.  We were given a tour of the area and it was super entertaining. The tour guide called Americans "tax dodgers", which was amusing. 

I get really bad service in London. Which makes it very hard to do the important things. 

Also, this happened:

Not impressed London. That name is tainted. 

After the London Tower we started wandering through the city. Unfortunately people started getting off of work. There were British people everywhere!  I would go so far as to say they make up the majority of London. Unbelievable. 

From what I can tell, The locals get off work and go directly to the pub. There are so many people drinking they spill out onto the sidewalks.  It was a rather unpleasant experience trying to navigate through all of this.  Also, our feet are tired and ready for a break. 

We grabbed some dinner and headed over to Parliament and Big Ben but it was already dark so the pictures aren't great. 

Neither of us love London. Too many people for our tastes. The architecture was amazing but we are ready for a bit of down time. Which just so happens to come tomorrow!  We are still in Cambridge for the next two nights. Currently we have zero planned activities.   So if the blog is just blank tomorrow you will know why. 


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