Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Day 4: Complimentary birds of prey

Hey everyone, today is a travel day so the blog might be light on adventures. Do not fear, I have planned for this.  

We are staying in a ladies spare bedroom, in her apartment on the docks. 

The room is tiny, but we have a view of this big ole ship. So far we have watched it float at the docks during the day. Then we watched it float at the docks at night. 5/5 stars, will watch again. 

I have been using the same suitcase for about 16 years. It has had a good run, but this morning something horrible happened. 

It is hard to see, but the seams are splitting. I am really hoping it makes it through our flight today. Then I'm hoping that our friends in England have Duct tape...or something to remedy the situation. 

On our way out of our apartment we saw this sign by the stairs. 

As somebody who avoids confrontation, I completely support this passive aggressive sign. 5/5 stars, will read again. 

We did some last minute touring of the city and began our commute to the airport. Then we got distracted by a city, then we realized that we were going to be late to the airport.  Here's the thing, being late stresses me out. More than the average person. Annie is the exact opposite in this regard. So things got a little tense.  I am happy to announce that we made it through this trying time. I'm also happy to announce that today is our 8 year anniversary.  8 years!  5/5 stars, would marry again. 

During our flight Annie found this rogue eyelash growing on my face. Hopefully she thinks it is sexy, but it is hard to get a read on her thoughts on it. (The eyelash is on the inside part of my eye, towards my nose, it kind of looks like a wrinkle. But I don't get those.)

I wrote up to this point in the blog all throughout the day. Planning on having about one paragraph at the end and ending. Unfortunately(fortunately?) we had a very exciting evening. 

We drove to Overton, which is a very small town in England. We are staying at Mallards, which is some older couples house. They just rent out their bedrooms.  This place...well let me show you. 

 (On the way in)


(Pet bird of prey)

This house is ridiculous. There are birds everywhere.  A crystal clear river in the backyard. Apparently you can see huge trout swimming in it. Ducks just wandering around. Oh and a pet hawk. What the hell. This place is awesome. 

Then we went to dinner(it was fantastic), and afterword we stopped in at a pub for a drink. Fast forward two hours and we have made quite a few English friends.  Some old guy shows up and starts telling stories. Then the lady that owns the joint shows up and starts telling us how the silk for Princess Diana's dress was made here.  One couple has told the bar tender that they will have just one more drink for three drinks.  The older gentleman is going on about Scotland.  It was great. That is all.   Tomorrow we head to Heighclere Castle and Stone Henge. Which I recently learned from my English friends should be bulldozed. 


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