Sunday, September 6, 2015

Day 2: The Cliffs of Moher

We decided to not set an alarm and with any luck get some much needed sleep.  It was a massive success!  We woke up at 9 and went to find breakfast.  There was a little place near our hotel called Hatch. The breakfast was great and the coffee was quite mediocre.  Which is becoming a recurring theme. 

After breakfast we set out for The Cliffs of Moher, which is a three hour drive to the west.   Unfortunately our car informed us that we had a low tire. I'm no scientist but the low tire might be related to the curb incidents from yesterday, but we will never know for sure. We will mark it down as an unsolved mystery. 

On our way to the Cliffs of Moher we saw an Abbey and stopped by. 

There were some kids that wandered in and started climbing along the walls. Then their dad showed up and gave them a stern talking to. But everybody had an Irish accent so it worked out great in the end. 

The Cliffs of Moher are really, really awesome. The pictures don't do this place justice. 

(Not pictured: All of the tourists and all of the bugs)

We finished off the night with a really great dinner in Galway and a visit to a bar. It was hard to choose which one to go to. They seem to have a plentiful supply of bars.  

Overall the day was great. We were quite busy with all the driving around though. On deck for tomorrow: NOBODY KNOWS. It's an unplanned day in Galway and the surrounding area. 


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